Emmanuel Donnet – Forest
Who am I ?
I have always been fascinated by the human being, this strange creature evolving, with all its richness and complexity, in a reality which it tries to give sense to. I pursued a degree in Psychological Sciences, to understand what seemed to me the most complex to understand: the human psyche.
I continued my exploration of the human through different complementary means.
I worked in the training sector, with diverse audiences in various fields of expertise. I thus touched the wealth of the areas that the Man approaches, the will and the strength he is making to go forward. I myself followed training giving me new therapeutic tools. english speaker Hypnologist Forest Hypnotherapist Forest
I read and write, to observe the life that unravels on paper. Hypnologist Forest
I practice music and singing, experienced the emotions they evoke.
I move, dance, massage, am massaged, explore the sensation of the body in motion.
I contribute to community projects who believe in the human.
I am a dad and see my two wonderful daughters grow every day.
This naturally led me to gradually return to a holistic therapeutic practice that combines these experiences: faith in man and his future; overall work with the singularity of each; integration of the body, mind, emotions, and spirituality of the patient in the work; use of plural tools to diversify lines of work.
- I provide tools to support you in different situations you encounter:
- Psychotherapy techniques (genogram, role play, dream analysis …);
- Strategic conversational hypnosis (PTR);
- Relaxing and therapeutic massage;
- Static and dynamic mindfulness (meditation, QiGong);
- Energy work; Hypnologist Forest
- Free expression (drawing, voice, dance …).
Indications Hypnologist
I accompany you through the steps you take, at your own pace:
- Thoughts about you, your way, your essence;
- Living the emotions; Emmanuel Donnet – Hypnologist
- Depression and burnout, when your whole being says ‘stop’;
- School issues.
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Laissez-nous vous rappeler!
Est-ce que l’hypnose est dangereuse?
L’hypnose est un état naturel de conscience modifiée qui ne comporte aucun risque. Cela signifie que le sujet hypnotisé reste conscient même lors de la phase d’hypnose profonde et qu’en cas de danger (tel un incendie), il peut immédiatement se lever et fuir les lieux.
Hypnose contre la dépression
La dépression est plus que d’avoir simplement le blues de temps en temps. De simples problèmes prennent parfois des proportions démesurées et peuvent conduire à une vraie souffrance physique. Les pensées négatives envahissent inévitablement votre esprit et peuvent dégrader l’estime que vous vous portez de manière significative.